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Showing posts from August, 2010

My hair

So I figured today I would just get really honest. My topic today is my hair. I am sitting at my work desk and every once in a while I catch a glimpse of the growing hair in the mirror opposite me. I mean today I have seriously watched my hair get bigger. Granted, I know people that pay good money on volumizing products. But if they had this mane they would understand. It is like a magic show, an illusion, a chia pet.

Favorite Verse

For so long I was intimidated by the question, "What is your favorite bible verse?" I felt a great pressure to answer in a way that the person asking the question would approve. It had to be the right balance of love and truth. How do you pick a favorite verse? So over time it evolved, and as most things that I feel uncomfortable with I made it humorous. So here is the evolution: As a younger child...." Then Jesus wept." John 11:35 (Yes I was that kid.) As a teenage girl...."Have mercy on me, O God, for men hotly pursue me."  Psalm 56:1  (Yes, I was that youth.) As a college kid...."You have not because you ask not." James 4:2  (I actually still claim this at times.) Now as a young adult, which I technically am until 40 according to Erik Erickson's stages of human development, I actually would say that John 10:10 has become a mantra for my life, my abundant life. And it just so happens that this month at Community Church we are focus...

Words of a Song

Anyone who knows me, know it is difficult for me to function without music playing in the background. I am sitting at my desk going through tons of pictures looking for a background for this or that and Pandora is playing in the background. It is usually a background that doesn't even catch my attention however this particular song came on and I am weeping at my desk. God is speaking so clearly for me to trust him! I have posted the lyrics below: It's hard to stand, On shifting sand It's hard to shine,  In the shadows of the night You can't be free,  If you don't reach for help And you can't love,  If you don't love yourself But there is hope when my faith runs out... Cuz I'm in better hands now It's like the sun is shining, When the rain is pourin' down It's like my soul is flying, Though my feet are on the ground So take this heart of mine There's no doubt, I'm in better hands now I am strong, All because of you I stand ...
It is August and in student ministry world that is a big deal here in the south, where schools begin August 4th. I have experienced my first full summer of children's ministry and it was a great summer. Although, I feel like I have been swimming for two straight months and holding my breath the entire time. Now I am breaking the surface and the first few breaths have been gasps. The thing about gasps are that at some point you must slow your breathing back to a normal rate or you will hyperventilate. So here I am trying to find routine again after a crazy summer excursion. One other thing to know about August is that it a new beginnings month in ministry. Appropriate that we get more than one here at the church :) And with new beginnings comes lot of reflection. With reflection comes a desire to express one's self. Which makes me think of an option I had on a specific social networking site to list my emotion. Funny that I thought of my feelings much more often when I w...