As 2010 comes to an end I would like to say that I accomplished all of the goals I set up for myself. But I did not. I would like to say that I radically changed the way I did something, anything but I did not. 2010 wasn't a horrible year by any means it just seems like it happened and now it is coming to a close. Where did this year go? My highlights include David graduating, moving to Tennessee and asking me to MARRY HIM! I am blessed in many ways and think back on the things that happened this year fondly for the most part. I just can't shake the feeling that I missed something. I know that every year people say, "Time flies" and "It just gets quicker the older you get." I have a sneaky suspicion that my reflection this year has a lot more with my own agenda of getting things done and not enough times of "stopping to smell the roses." So here is to 2011 being a year of more memories, more pictures, more moments shared with loved ones. To ...
Ramblings of a heart being transformed.