Haman went out that day happy and in high spirits. But when he saw Mordecai... Esther 5:9
Haman had just left a banquet at the King's table. Did you catch that?
Often times I tell the students everything in our lives can be changed with perspective and attitude. And here is another really great example. Haman lost his perspective. He focused on his hate for Mordecai. How often do we meet with our King, leaving happy and in high spirits only to be miffed soon after by the object of our fear?
Today, I encourage you to keep your perspecitive and focus on the King and your seat at his table. Fear is a tool of discouragement and distraction. Let's keep our heads up fellow traveler. Don't lose sight of the big picture.

Often times I tell the students everything in our lives can be changed with perspective and attitude. And here is another really great example. Haman lost his perspective. He focused on his hate for Mordecai. How often do we meet with our King, leaving happy and in high spirits only to be miffed soon after by the object of our fear?
Today, I encourage you to keep your perspecitive and focus on the King and your seat at his table. Fear is a tool of discouragement and distraction. Let's keep our heads up fellow traveler. Don't lose sight of the big picture.
By the way, love your song choice. Mine changes at times too. That's a great one.