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Showing posts from February, 2011

i HATE wintergreen

Note to all reading this post: This is just a little rant. I realize I should be grateful for a job and for shelter and all of that. My office has been incredibly hot and in response our solution was to turn on the ac. This resulted in the sound of twin turbines taking off and then the most wretched smell I have experienced in a long time. Repair man assures us that there is no remains of a unfortunate squirrel or the likes and that he added a fragrance for us. You guessed it WINTERGREEN! Now my options are two: Hades Hot or Wintergreen Whiffs! BOO!

One of these things...

is not like the other. In 2010 our church, Community Church , had a great theme and each month we had a wonderful colored banner that hung in the sanctuary to visually remind us of the name of Jesus that we were praying and studying that month. All of the banners followed a particular set-up but the name of Jesus for the month was bold and featured. After the month passed we retired the banners to the entrance and to a popular meeting room. Each week our staff meets in this particular room and many of us had never noticed the one of the banners was missing the highlighted name. Or if we had noticed we never mentioned anything about it. Until this past Monday when our administrative pastor was doing the weekly devotional in staff meeting and he made mention of this. His whole point was often times we miss seeing the things that need our attention. "We have to look for the obscure." Now with the banners sure we should have caught this right away and had the problem recti...

Lectionary Laugh and Leading

Today's Lectionary Reading Morning Psalm begins with Psalm 56. 1. Laugh- When I was younger I liked to joke around, much the same today. It was a big deal in a strange circle of Christian friends to sign your name and write a verse. Now for clarification I did not pull this joke out of disregard for scripture. I have a high view of Scripture and I did then as well. Anyway, I used to sign my name and then write Psalm 56:1. If anyone were to look this up they would have read. "Be merciful to me, O God, for men hotly pursue me;" (NIV) 2. Leading- Well that is about as far as I ever got with remembering anything about Psalm 56 but today with continued reading. I was comforted beyond my own comprehension. I am currently in a really amazing season of my life but there have been seasons that aren't as swell. So I take great comfort in Psalm 56:8.  "You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your ...


I am very interested in expectations. I find it the expectations I put on myself and on others fascinating.. I find it humorous the expectations that others put on me. What is it about expectations that get so skewed?

Valentine's Day

Today is Valentine's Day and it is a day full of emotions. For some this day is full of joy and excitement while others this day is full of disappointment and loneliness. Regardless of where you may fall on the emotional continuum, I offer you Valentine's wishes. If I had tons of money and all kinds of time I would hand address a paper craft and attach a good ol' cherry flavored white stamped Love sucker.

Way Out

We have been having snow every week it seems. At Community our church snow policy is to follow our local school closings. Needless to say we have had quite a few snow days this year and all this open time on Wednesday nights called for a substitute, heaven forbid I stop for two seconds. Snow Wednesdays have been deemed, Automatic Movie Nights. My good friend Erin B. and I go to see a movie and often invite others along. This is a great new tradition but it has become a little expensive this snowy winter. I digress. This past Wednesday, we went to see The King's Speech. Warning: Adults only for language. But if you can get past the language which thankfully was limited to a few scenes, this is an amazing movie. I learned so much and was very inspired to learn more of King George or Bertie as his family called him. All of that to say there was one scene that a background item caught my attention. The exit sign read, "Way Out." I found this fascinating. In life I have ...