We have been having snow every week it seems. At Community our church snow policy is to follow our local school closings. Needless to say we have had quite a few snow days this year and all this open time on Wednesday nights called for a substitute, heaven forbid I stop for two seconds.
Snow Wednesdays have been deemed, Automatic Movie Nights. My good friend Erin B. and I go to see a movie and often invite others along. This is a great new tradition but it has become a little expensive this snowy winter. I digress.

This past Wednesday, we went to see The King's Speech. Warning: Adults only for language. But if you can get past the language which thankfully was limited to a few scenes, this is an amazing movie. I learned so much and was very inspired to learn more of King George or Bertie as his family called him. All of that to say there was one scene that a background item caught my attention. The exit sign read, "Way Out." I found this fascinating.
In life I have never once thought, "I need an exit from life." But I have often wished for a "way out." As I thought of this idea more it occurred to me that neither are acceptable. The "way out" is really only a hallway or a door to another place. We must deal with the situation in the room to ever really change things.