Today's Lectionary Reading Morning Psalm begins with Psalm 56.
2. Leading- Well that is about as far as I ever got with remembering anything about Psalm 56 but today with continued reading. I was comforted beyond my own comprehension. I am currently in a really amazing season of my life but there have been seasons that aren't as swell. So I take great comfort in Psalm 56:8.
1. Laugh- When I was younger I liked to joke around, much the same today. It was a big deal in a strange circle of Christian friends to sign your name and write a verse. Now for clarification I did not pull this joke out of disregard for scripture. I have a high view of Scripture and I did then as well. Anyway, I used to sign my name and then write Psalm 56:1. If anyone were to look this up they would have read.
"Be merciful to me, O God, for men hotly pursue me;" (NIV)

"You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book." (New Living Translation)