So i didn't have time to take a picture of our
almost delicious dinner. Moving has brought on a few exciting challenges that I am trying to figure out as we go. For starters we don't have an oven or a place for one so it will be stove top cooking for this season in our lives. Thankfully colder weather is coming not to far away and I can stick to soups. Anyway, I digress, today I went to check out a new store called, Mom's Organic Market, well they have a few things but did not have fresh asparagus or parsnips. So I thought it was time for a little experiment vegetable. WRONG decision! Black turnips are very hard, very severe and very bitter. So my tip for today is if you are in the mood for a little experimenting with new things; stay away from the black turnips.
Remind me to send you my taco soup recipe. It's great on the stove top =)
How are ya'll adjusting??