Confessions for this Sunday.
Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. I Peter 5:8
I lack self control. Or better yet I have already been given self control and I choose not to pick it up and in my hands where self control should be found; one will find fear and worry.
Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Matthew 6:27
I know these verses. I have read these verses yet I do not live these verses. I am frustrated with circumstances that have greatly impacted my life and instead of standing with my husband to fight off the attacks of the devil. I allow myself to be used as a pawn to discourage him even more. What is up with that?
When searching for the reference to the Matthew 6 verse I started the search by using the words, "who can add a single day" well that didn't get me to where I was going so then I just started flipping through Matthew cause I knew it was there. But the point is that although I think I have hidden these things in my heart, I have actually paraphrased them in my memory.
Jesus knew us better than days, he knew that worry was something that was so consistently a struggle for us that it had to be broken down to the hour. I have 24 hours everyday, well; ironically only 23 on this particular day given daylight savings time, but you get the drift. 24 hours today and tomorrow and the day after that all in which to choose to trust that God has something better for me than being used by the devil.
So today, friends, I confess that I am struggling to keep worry and fear from my heart and mind. I confess that I have been less that trusting of my Creator and Savior. I have been less than wonderful to my husband. But instead of losing this hour or the next, I choose to stop, pray, write, and ask for forgiveness.
Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. I Peter 5:8
I lack self control. Or better yet I have already been given self control and I choose not to pick it up and in my hands where self control should be found; one will find fear and worry.
Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Matthew 6:27
I know these verses. I have read these verses yet I do not live these verses. I am frustrated with circumstances that have greatly impacted my life and instead of standing with my husband to fight off the attacks of the devil. I allow myself to be used as a pawn to discourage him even more. What is up with that?
When searching for the reference to the Matthew 6 verse I started the search by using the words, "who can add a single day" well that didn't get me to where I was going so then I just started flipping through Matthew cause I knew it was there. But the point is that although I think I have hidden these things in my heart, I have actually paraphrased them in my memory.
Jesus knew us better than days, he knew that worry was something that was so consistently a struggle for us that it had to be broken down to the hour. I have 24 hours everyday, well; ironically only 23 on this particular day given daylight savings time, but you get the drift. 24 hours today and tomorrow and the day after that all in which to choose to trust that God has something better for me than being used by the devil.
So today, friends, I confess that I am struggling to keep worry and fear from my heart and mind. I confess that I have been less that trusting of my Creator and Savior. I have been less than wonderful to my husband. But instead of losing this hour or the next, I choose to stop, pray, write, and ask for forgiveness.