Ever feel down? Ever feel like there is no one else who understands where you are coming from? Of course, you do. But the truth is we aren't alone. Especially now in this insta-tech (I may have coined a new phrase) world. I mean it never fails if I wake in the middle of the night or if I am spending time in the middle of the day, there is ALWAYS someone else on social media. People are posting pictures of themselves, or their food or whatever else is catching their fancy. We are sharing our opinions and sharing "news" but are we sharing our lives? I try very hard not to get caught up in the competition that is out there.
I recently read a Huffington Post article belaboring the new holiday craze trends that social media sites tend to feed. It was a hilarious article but it really hit the head of a bigger issue. When we are exposed to so much more, we have to decide what to do with this information. The new ideas are a great place to draw inspiration but they can become a pit of self comparison if we aren't careful.
There is no one else exactly like you on this planet. I mean some close calls for sure, but no one else has your exact same life experiences, outlook, personality, etc. So why can't we embrace ourselves and draw from the beauty in others without feeling like we are measuring up?
You are the only true ruler by which to measure yourself. -Amber Anyanwu