I don't often take sick days but Miss Chelsea doesn't know that and she has had her fair share of sick days. Today is one of those days. It has been so bitterly cold here and we ventured out the other night and wound up walking quite a distance in the cold windy air. And like magic the nose started running. Well last night the cold moved from runny nose to full on seal coughs and crying spells. Poor thing. By this afternoon Miss Chelsea is on full tilt and running around like her normal self. All of that back story to say, I stayed home today and I didn't feel bad at all so I knocked some things out like going through Mt Paperest on my desk. I found all kinds of goodies. Bills that I didn't pay on time (awesome), letters from our Compassion sponsor child that I hadn't responded to (sad), and an itunes card for a free download of a Christmas song I picked up for a friend (Merry Christmas 2015?). I looked everywhere for a card that was a just because occasion and couldn't find one so I "upcycled" a Christmas Card and thought I would share. It is a great idea for those cards you have that are the wrong occasion but have good "bones."
Now I just have to do the "hard work" of getting the card to the mailbox!