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Moving Past Fears, Failures, and Flaws

I have recently become more involved in the women's ministry at my church,  LifePoint . We have monthly women's ministry events called Sisterhood Gatherings and for these last couple of months, they  have been focused on living our "such a time as this" moments bravely and boldly. In September we took a closer look at the story of Esther and the different seasons or times she traveled before getting to her famous "such a time as this" moment (Hear that message  here ). We were asked to search our hearts to identify the thing that is holding us back and for many women it was fear. This fear isn't phobia kind of fears, although those can be quite scary, but the fear that keeps us awake at night, the fear that stops us from taking that next step or making changes in our lives. Then this past Friday, a good friend brought a message of what next steps to overcoming our fears might look like and it really resonated with me. For many years I have tried, so...
Recent posts

What If...

It is often times intimidating to put yourself out there. To be brave and bold in a world that does not feel safe. Yet we are so interconnected in our humanity. There are emotions and experiences that we all share even when we feel as if no one else gets us or that we are all alone. The "what ifs" are often the obstacles that hold us back from living a full and abundant life, those restraints on relationships from reaching their full potential and the thoughts that hinder us from being our true self. There is a fairly new country song by Kane Brown called What Ifs and it addresses this exact thing when it comes to a relationship between and man and woman. The woman is not willing to give the relationship a try because what if it doesn't work out, what if she gets hurt, what if... The guy responds when what ifs as well but from a completely different perspective. What if this is the right thing, what if it is more than imagined, what if everything does work out? I wa...

Masks, Lies, and Beauty

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MOPS: Grace for the Good Girl Chapter 9

Indifference:  lack of interest, concern, or sympathy. "she shrugged, feigning indifference"  That is really the example the internet gave when I looked up the definition. How many times have you feigned indifference when that isn't at all what you really think or feel. I do this alot with my husband and my children. I calculate the cost and feign indifference to keep from the fight or because I'm just tired. But then I over react because my shrug didn't really shrug anything off but only deflected the conversation or situation. This chapter covered the story of the prodigal son, it is found in Luke 15 if you need a refresher. This story is used by many to celebrate the graciousness of the Father and the gift of forgiveness. However, chapter nine has us take a look at the "good" kid and explore his resentfulness and then his seemingly indifference to his brother's return. It is often easier for us to get why bad things happen to "b...

MOPS: Grace for the Good Girl Chapter 8

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One Week

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Winter to Spring

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